Holiday Cheer!
Holiday Cheer! The countdown to 2024 has begun, and the holiday season is in full swing in Kansas City! We talk about [...]
What about saving money makes people think positively of your brand?
What about saving money makes people think positively of your brand? Saving money can bring joy to people, regardless of the amount [...]
Communicating Efficiently, Why iOS and Android Applications Can Give You More Tools to Message Members
Communicating Efficiently, Why iOS and Android Applications Can Give You More Tools to Message Members Have you ever wondered why messaging members [...]
Creating a Custom Loyalty Program
Creating a Custom Loyalty Program When the word loyal comes to mind, what do you think of? Is it a friendship, a [...]
Does Your Perks Program Deliver Rewards Based on the User’s Location? It Should!
Does Your Perks Program Deliver Rewards Based on the User’s Location? It Should! Perks programs are designed to engage and reward [...]
How to Pinpoint the Most Valuable Perks for Your Employees/Members
How to Pinpoint the Most Valuable Perks for Your Employees/Members When providing perks for your employees or members, it's essential to identify [...]
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