Telehealth is where convenience and healthcare meet in the middle with technology as their guide. Being sick often means playing the waiting game. Generally speaking, in office, the average person waits 45 minutes to be seen by their physician and spends an additional 30-35 minutes with their physician, only to find out that they have a virus and waiting it out is the best treatment plan. Sound both familiar and frustrating? Rest assured; there is an answer to decreasing wait times and improving your healthcare experience…it is called Telehealth and if you use any type of technology, it is available to you.
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth and/or telemedicine can be defined as access to non- emergency medical care using a smartphone, computer, or other device. Technology impacts daily lives across all generations and demographics, keeping people tuned in 24/7 to just about anything, including their health. Telehealth is now being seen as a solution by both providers and patients for direct patient treatment, routine monitoring of medical conditions and education. This ability to expand and connect with a virtual healthcare provider is as simple as opening a mobile application.
How to Access Telehealth?
In today’s insurance world, Telehealth services are most likely considered an out of pocket expense, so how do you access it? Telehealth can be offered as a group benefit or loyalty/rewards package from an employer or other organization. Generally, there are no hidden costs with a paid membership and there is access to a board certified, U.S. based physician 365 days per year, 24/7 for non-emergency conditions with an average visit lasting 20 minutes from start to finish.
If you are looking to add this exciting group benefit to any loyalty or rewards package, look no further. Besides offering the largest network of mobile savings, YCS Group delivers the exclusive digital consumer benefit of Telehealth through our Telehealth partners. Our preferred rewards are delivered through our mobile application, iGiftBack, available in the app store for free on iOS and Android. Our robust software can be further customized and branded for your organization’s needs.
Want to know more? Contact us ycsgroupllc.com, or info@ycsgroupllc.com.