Three of the most important goals business owners strive to attain are customer loyalty, increased customer acquisition, and retention. Definitely important, yet all too often, business owners forget one of the most important elements of success, creating loyal employees. Cultivating employee loyalty begins with understanding the emotions of your employees, and what their motivations for working at your company really are. It could be personal growth, monetary, or receiving the typical benefits of health insurance and a retirement plan; however, providing extra company perks is a benefit business owners should not ignore.
Why loyalty matters for your company?
Loyal employees are engaged and engaged employees are committed to coming to work. A loyal employee can be defined as an individual who is focused on the success of the company they work for. Loyalty can take shape in many ways and is often a two-way street. Both encouraging and recognizing hard work with perks that employees desire creates respect, which is often followed by loyalty.
Company perks that increase loyalty:
In today’s world, employees have more workplace choices than their grandparents did, making work about more than just a paycheck. As mentioned earlier, promoting a healthy company culture improves productivity and employee engagement. Technology has advanced the ability and ease of giving company perks; making it less likely to receive a company themed umbrella or cooler, which is cool, but not loyalty cool. People in general love to feel rewarded and most often this comes down to saving money on activities they like to do outside of work. Fortunately, we all hold in our hands the most convenient way to receive these money-saving perks, our smartphones.
Rewarding your employees with company perks they will actually use creates a positive atmosphere and culture within your company. If you are looking to add company perks that will grow and engage your employees, contact YCS Group. We are the leaders in digital benefits and rewards specializing in travel and hotel savings, identity theft, dental and physician savings plans, tire savings, discounted roadside assistance plans, fuel savings, restaurant savings, discounted wholesale telehealth, prescription savings and many other medical and health coverage savings to name a few.
Contact us @ 816-569-0135
Email: info@ycsgroupllc.com